9 Ways on how to give away your personal power

….and how to reclaim it!

“You are not a passenger in life’s journey—you are the author of your story. The question is, are you writing the narrative, or letting someone else hold the pen?”

Have you ever felt like life’s reins are slipping through your fingers? Not too long ago, I found myself engrossed in a conversation with a remarkable woman. It was during one of those everyday chats when I casually asked, “How are you?”

Her response was anything but ordinary.

She painted a vivid picture, describing how it felt as if life’s reins were slipping through her fingers, evading her grasp.

Intrigued by her metaphor, I leaned in and asked, “Teach me! Teach me how to give away my personal power.”

Sometimes, the most profound insights arise from unexpected moments.

Take a Deep Breath. Now, let’s journey into the heart of the matter. Whether you realize it or not, there are subtle ways we hand over our power, allowing external forces—other people, societal expectations, or even our own thoughts—to steer the ship. But here’s the truth: You are not a mere passenger.

You’re the author of your journey… all ways, always!

In this article, I’ll share 9 ways we unknowingly give away our personal power and, more importantly, how to reclaim it. Shall we?

#1. Tolerating Things You Hate

Sometimes we put up with minor annoyances to make others happy. That’s normal. But constantly tolerating things you despise—whether it’s activities, environments, or even people—drains your energy and erodes your personal power. By staying silent or avoiding confrontation, you hand over the reins of your life.

Action Step: Identify one thing in your life you’re tolerating but truly hate. Practice speaking up—whether it’s at work or in your personal life. Remember, setting boundaries isn’t selfish; it’s an act of self-respect.

#2. Staying Silent When Something’s Wrong

Choosing your battles is wise. But if you find yourself always staying silent to avoid conflict, you’re sacrificing your voice. When you don’t speak up, you’re not just avoiding discomfort; you’re diminishing your personal power.

Action Step: Next time something doesn’t sit right with you, practice voicing your thoughts. It could be something small like expressing disagreement in a meeting or something bigger like standing up for a core value.

#3. Worrying Too Much About Others’ Opinions

We all care what others think to some degree. But when the opinions of others control your actions, you lose sight of what’s truly important to you. Constantly seeking approval or fearing judgment dilutes your power.

Action Step: The next time you find yourself worrying about what someone else thinks, ask yourself: “Whose voice is this?” Is it aligned with your values, or are you handing over control to someone who doesn’t live your life?

#4. Not Setting Boundaries

“No” is a complete sentence. Yet many of us struggle to say it. Failing to set boundaries or allowing others to trample on them makes it impossible to protect your personal power. Boundaries aren’t walls—they’re healthy limits that preserve your well-being.

Action Step: Identify one boundary you need to reinforce. It could be work-related, in a friendship, or even with family. Saying “no” when needed isn’t rejection; it’s self-preservation.

#5. Complaining About Others Too Much

Gossiping or constantly complaining about others not only wastes time, but it also gives too much power to external forces. Why invest so much energy in what others are doing when you could be focused on your own growth?

Action Step: Every time you catch yourself complaining about someone else, refocus that energy on something that will bring you joy or move you closer to your goals.

#6. Letting Others Make Your Decisions

Handing over decision-making power to others might seem comfortable, but it strips you of your agency. While it’s tempting to stay in the passenger seat, true personal power comes from confidently making your own choices.

Action Step: Start small—make one decision today that is entirely your own. Whether it’s a personal or professional choice, trust yourself to lead.

#7. Ignoring Your Gut Feelings

Your intuition is a powerful guide. Ignoring your instincts implies you don’t trust yourself, which weakens your sense of personal power. Successful people know how to balance evidence-based thinking with intuition.

Action Step: Practice tuning into your gut. Next time you feel torn between choices, take a moment to reflect on your initial, instinctual response—and honor it.

#8. Changing Your Goals Based on Others’ Opinions

Your goals should reflect your desires, not other people’s expectations. When you allow others to dictate your path, you’re living for them, not yourself. Personal power means standing firm in your vision, even if others don’t understand it.

Action Step: Revisit your goals. Are they truly aligned with your values, or are they influenced by external pressures? Even if others disapprove or think it’s impossible, trust your own vision.

#9. Being Hypersensitive to Criticism

It’s human nature to dislike criticism, but letting negative feedback derail your emotional state gives others too much control. Criticism is inevitable, but your reaction to it is your choice.

Action Step: The next time someone criticizes you, pause before reacting. Ask yourself: “Is this feedback helpful?” If yes, great—use it to grow. If no, discard it and move on. You control the narrative.


Taking Back Your Power, One Choice at a Time!

There you have it—9 ways you might be giving away your personal power and practical steps to reclaim it. Remember, these insights aren’t just meant to be read; they’re an invitation to action.

Every choice, every shift, every conscious action propels you toward empowerment. The symphony of your life transforms when you have your hand firmly on the reins.

with all my love,

PS: Ready to Reclaim Your Power?

If this resonates with you, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments or send me a message. Don’t forget to connect with me on Instagram @MrsBimako for more insights on how to reclaim your personal power and live with intentionality. And if you’re hungry for more, here are a few articles to explore:

Let’s take this journey together. You’re more powerful than you know.

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