I love coffee. I like to write and I love to challenge your thinking. If you like to read ... I've got your back.

Below you’ll find my best articles to read on topics like Happiness, Success, Mental Well-Being, Productivity, Stressmanagment and more. 

“How can we Thrive with Grace & Ease in a world that constantly changes and often feels like a rollercoaster ride?”  That’s the central question of my articles. If you like  evidence-based strategies to help you balance the daily demands of a constant changing world, you are in the right place.

Browse the categories below to dive deeper into a wealth of insights, from How to raise your impact as a leader to uncovering the Connection between mental health and high performing, to Conquering our deepest fears. Learn how to Kickstart a transformative journaling practice, explore the Signs of emotional clutter, and tap into the Power of affective presence. Discover the Anatomy of apologizing, the perfect systems & strategies to boost your success & your wellbeing through ‘real’ self-care, and understand how to kick stress & overwhelm to the curb. Plus, uncover personal recommendations like my handpicked list of must-read books. Shall we?

( e.g.: Success – Leadership – Impact- Personal Growth – Professional Growth – Happiness – Selfmanagment -Mental Health – Productivity – Perfect System – Questions & Answers – Mental Clarity – Self-Care – Selfawareness -Selfdiscipline – Habits – Emotional Clutter  )

Start here

When Gifts become challenges

The Anatomy of APOLOGIZING

Affective Presence


How to Stop Draining Your People &

Energize Them Instead!

3 ways to tap into the present moment easily


9 ways on how to give away your personal power

The Connection Between Mental Health And High Performance

How to Have More Free Time (no matter how busy you think you are)

What We Are Really Afraid Of



Are you ready to step beyond your comfort zone in the pursuit of lasting transformation and real growth? Discover 5 powerful strategies to break free from familiarity, embrace change, and achieve lasting transformation. Explore how to make your New Year’s resolutions more impactful than ever. Start your journey towards personal growth today

"what can i do, to make sure, I'm becoming the best version of myself?"

"Excuse me, But isn't it rather selfish & unempathic to put m happiness first"

How to write a journal for a better and even more productive SElf

the perfect system

8 habits
of unproductive people

Groups of people that have similar results have similar habits. Thin people have similar habits.  Productive people have several habits in common. Likewise, unsuccessful people have several habits in common, too. If you’re struggling with your productivity, this article is for you.

how a walk outside can boost your health and your success

The trick is not being successful…

Rust-OUt ?

When Success Sparks a Slow Burn


The 6 signs you are struggling with emotional clutter

Damn...Why does it often feel like an uphill battle to make time for Self-Care?

I am always so afraid to miss out something


How To calm down the s#%t

The Science Behind Positive Self-Talk

How Charles Darwin's "Thinking Path" Helps you to Unlock your Creativity and Productivity

The Art of Time Management

for the Sensitive and Deep-Thinking Woman